About Us

HRU is made possible by the collective efforts of more than twenty local Amateur Radio organizations as well as the American Radio Relay League.

What is HRU? Many of you have already heard of Ham Radio University but the idea may be new to some of you. HRU was created by Phil Lewis, N2MUN. Phil was searching for ways to get inactive hams back into the swing of Amateur Radio. In addition, Phil wanted to help newly licenced hams who ask “What Now?”. Since 1999, HRU has been bringing the local ham community together for a special day of learning and fellowship.

Today, Ham Radio University is run by the HRU Committee. The committee begins its planning meetings in August and will have approximately one meeting per month until after HRU is completed. A post-event wrapup meeting is then held to assess what went right and what needs to be changed for the next event.

Your donation covers the cost of the event. Costs normally included but are not limited to site rental, maintenance fees, copying costs, website charges, lodging for the keynote speaker and other fees. Any profit made from the event is used only to hold future events. Our intent is to make HRU a recurring annual special occasion for all Amateur Radio operators.