HRU 2024 Forums as of January 3, 2024 – There is NO pre-registration for ANY forum this year!
VE session will be held starting at 1:30 PM in Room 5 – sponsored by the GSBARC VE team with liaison NO2C
LIDXA will host DXCC card checking between 9 AM & 12 noon. See John W2GW at the ARRL table in the clubroom.
View anytime!
Newcomer’s Meeting and Overview of Ham Radio University
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Join Diane as she provides an overview of Ham Radio University. She will talk about what HRU is, what to do and where to go. Diane’s insider “scoop” is certain to make you more comfortable and confident, both on and off the air.
VIEW WEBINAR: HRU Newcomer’s meeting video |
Saturday January 6, 2024
9:00am – 9:50am EST 1400-1450 UTC – Forum Room 1
PANELIST: Nomar Vizcarrondo NP4H
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Meet the new ARRL Hudson Division Director, Nomar Vizcarrondo NP4H and Long Island’s own, new ARRL Hudson Division Vice Director, Ed Wilson N2XDD. Find out the latest ARRL news and information with New York City/Long Island Section Manager Jim Mezey W2KFV. |
9:00am – 9:50am EST 1400-1450 UTC – Forum Room 2
Building your first HF station
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Learn the basics of putting together your first Amateur Radio HF Station. Topics covered will be choosing a radio, antenna/s, accessories, test equipment and more. Get practical advice on ergonomics and planning for future station upgrades, all while maintaining a good balance between radio, family, and safety. If you are getting ready to build your first HF station, don’t miss Neil’s forum to find the answers to the questions you didn’t even know to ask. |
9:00am – 9:50am EST 1400-1450 UTC – Forum Room 3
Practical Test Equipment
FORUM DESCRIPTION: What types of radio test equipment does the average ham radio operator really need? It’s more than just a multimeter! Learn the basics from licensed professional engineer, and longtime ham, Ed WB2EAV. |
9:00am – 9:50am EST 1400-1450 UTC – Forum Room 4
A new way to learn CW with the Long Island CW Club
MODERATOR: Howard Bernstein WB2UZE
PANELIST: Mike Padron N1CC
FORUM DESCRIPTION: LICW has spent countless hours reviewing the history of how CW has been taught in the past 100 years and then totally revamped its curriculum. Come and listen to what it’s now all about. |
10:00am – 10:50am EST 1500-1550 UTC – Forum Room 1
PANELIST: Martin Grillo W1EMR
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Meet with ARRL NYC/LI Section Manager Jim Mezey W2KFV with DEC NYC Martin Grillo W1EMR who will talk about Section Emcomm and how AUXCOMM can help. |
10:00am – 10:50am EST 1500-1550 UTC – Forum Room 2
Basics of HF operating
FORUM DESCRIPTION: A seasoned DX and contest operator guides you through the HF bands, modes, propagation, on-air procedures, and using rig controls to get the most out of your HF transceiver. |
10:00am – 10:50am EST 1500-1550 UTC – Forum Room 3
Power Flow, VSWR, and related transmission line discussions
FORUM DESCRIPTION: What is VSWR? Voltage Standing Wave Ratio is a measure of how efficiently radio-frequency (RF) power is transmitted from a power source, through a transmission line, into a load (for example, from a power amplifier through a transmission line, to an antenna). Learn the why and how of transmission line time delay, the importance of impedence matching, power amplifier efficiency and more. Mike will explain terms like Forward and Reflected Power, Line Losses, and Scattering Parameters (S Parameters) in this technical forum.
10:00am – 10:50am EST 1500-1550 UTC – Forum Room 4
6-Meters and F2 propagation
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Ken is a preeminent expert on 6-Meter propagation and will talk about working 6-Meters at the top of the sunspot cycle using F2-layer propagation. |
11:00am – 11:50am EST 1600-1650 UTC – Forum Room 1
ARMY MARS – Military Auxiliary Radio System
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Learn about the US Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) that is extremely active in Region Two (NY & NJ). AMARS is established by the Department of Defense with the Department of the US Army responsible for the execution of the program. We operate predominantly in the HF frequency area in non-amateur military frequencies. There is extensive training involved as we are preparing for the “worst day scenarios” that may hit us. Come join me and see if you are interested and have the time, energy, and resources to be a part of Region Two Army MARS. |
11:00am – 11:50am EST 1600-1650 UTC – Forum Room 2
Practical HF Antennas
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Welcome to HF hamming. In Practical HF Antennas we will explore some easy, inexpensive antenna ideas that will propel you into the fun of everyday HF operating, rag chewing, DX-ing, contesting and experimentation. You can have a lot of fun with antennas that you built yourself or purchased ready-made at a reasonable cost. Get on the air and have some fun! |
11:00am – 11:50am EST 1600-1650 UTC – Forum Room 3
New SDR based transceivers
MODERATOR: Neil Goldstein W2NDG
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Explore the new SDR Based transceivers with Neil. |
11:00am – 11:50am EST 1600-1650 UTC – Forum Room 4
Orbiting the Earth: A Beginners Guide to operating Ham Radio Satellites with an HT
MODERATOR: Peter Portanova W2JV
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Learn how to contact the International Space Station and talk to an astronaut using a handheld radio. Peter will explain how to talk through the repeater on board to another ham across the country with just a dual band HT! Join this exciting forum about amateur satellites and how to join in and take your HT into space. |
11:00am – 11:50am EST 1600-1650 UTC – Forum Room 5
HamSCI and the upcoming solar eclipse
MODERATOR: Dr. Nathaniel Frissell W2NAF
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Dr. Nathaniel Frissell W2NAF will discuss Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) and the upcoming solar eclipse. |
12noon – 12:50pm EST 1700-1750 UTC – All Forum Rooms
1:00pm – 1:50pm EST 1800-1850 UTC – Forum Room 1
Anatomy of a VHF/UHF Repeater Site
MODERATOR: George Sullivan WB2IKT
FORUM DESCRIPTION: This seminar will present an overview of VHF/UHF repeaters. George will present a guided tour of the components that comprise a contemporary VHF/UHF analog repeater. What’s Different about Repeaters vs. your Home Ham Radio Station? George will discuss the many issues that a successful repeater organization requires to get right. This presentation provides an overview and key features of the components. It is not intended as an “in-depth” investigation of each component; but instead provide a starting point of what needs to be considered. |
1:00pm – 1:50pm EST 1800-1850 UTC – Forum Room 2
The ABC’s of DXing
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Learn how to work DX (distant) stations, earn awards, QSL and learn about propagation to do so. |
1:00pm – 1:50pm EST 1800-1850 UTC – Forum Room 3
Raspberry Pi applications for Ham Radio
MODERATOR: Neil Goldstein W2NDG
FORUM DESCRIPTION: This year, we are going to take a look at the current Raspberry Pi models and alternatives, and will demonstrate using it for SDR and Digital modes, as well as a look at some Raspberry Pi-based Ham hardware and projects. |
1:00pm – 1:50pm EST 1800-1850 UTC – Forum Room 4
Parks on the Air
FORUM DESCRIPTION: We will explore the Parks on the Air (POTA) program. Learn how to hunt and log parks from the comfort of your shack. Tips and tricks about award collecting will be discussed. Become an activator! Work stations from around the country and the world surrounded by the beauty of our parks. |
2:00pm – 2:50pm EST 1900-1950 UTC – Forum Room 1
Batteries for Ham Radio
FORUM DESCRIPTION: A look at batteries used for ham radio. |
2:00pm – 2:50pm EST 1900-1950 UTC – Forum Room 2
Advantages of computer logging
MODERATOR: Tom Carrubba KA2D
FORUM DESCRIPTION: This forum discusses the advantages of computer logging. Tom will review logging method history and demonstrate the advantages of computer logging. The presentation will cover the many logging program features such as award and QSL tracking at your fingertips. |
2:00pm – 2:50pm EST 1900-1950 UTC – Forum Room 3
Basics of Grounding in the ham shack
FORUM DESCRIPTION: This seminar will present an overview of grounding and bonding, as applied to the typical amateur radio installation, with regard to power, lightning protection and RF (antenna) grounding. |
2:00pm – 2:50pm EST 1900-1950 UTC – Forum Room 4
Contesting: Everything you need to know
FORUM DESCRIPTION: A seasoned DX and contest operator will provide contesting basics, discuss strategies and tactics, and answer the most commonly-asked questions about contest operating. |