Time |
Forum Room 1 |
Forum Room 2 |
Forum Room 3 |
Saturday January 8, 2022 8:00am – 8:50am EST 1300-1350 UTC |
An introduction to HRU and Newcomer’s meeting |
MODERATOR: Diane Ortiz K2DO |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Join Diane Ortiz K2DO as she provides an overview of Ham Radio University. She will talk about what HRU is, what to do and where to go. Diane’s insider “scoop” is certain to make you more comfortable and confident, both on and off the air. |
Saturday January 8, 2022 9:00am – 9:50am EST 1400-1450 UTC |
ARRL Forum NYC/LI including EMCOMM |
PANELIST: Ria Jairam N2RJ |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Meet with ARRL NYC/LI Section Manager Jim Mezey and ARRL Hudson Division Director Ria Jairam |
All things Digital VHF & above with DMR and D-Star |
MODERATOR: Preston Waterman W2PW |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: All things digital VHF and above including DMR, Fusion and D-Star |
QRP low power fun |
MODERATOR: John Meade W2XS |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: This forum provides an overview of QRP low power operating. |
Saturday January 8, 2022 10:00am – 10:50am EST 1500-1550 UTC |
Basics of HF operating |
MODERATOR: Mel Granick KS2G |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: A seasoned DX and contest operator guides you through the HF bands, modes, propagation, on-air procedures, and using rig controls to get the most out of your HF transceiver. |
Scanning |
MODERATOR: Phil Lichtenberger W2LIE |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Basic and advanced scanning techniques to monitor radio frequencies. |
Basics of Grounding in the ham shack |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: This seminar will present an overview of grounding and bonding, as applied to the typical amateur radio installation, with regard to power, lightning protection and RF (antenna) grounding. |
Saturday January 8, 2022 11:00am – 11:50am EST 1600-1650 UTC |
Contesting: All Your Questions Answered |
MODERATOR: Mel Granick KS2G |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: A seasoned DX and contest operator will provide contesting basics, discuss strategies and tactics, and answer the most commonly-asked questions about contest operating. |
The Art of Operating Amateur Satellites with an HT |
MODERATOR: Peter Portanova W2JV |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: You don’t have to be a Rocket Scientist to learn the basics of using your HT to talk thru the Amateur Satellites. The goal is to have you listen, track and transmit to the ISS cross-band repeater or SO-50 the next day. |
Skywarn |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: SKYWARN is a national network of volunteer severe weather spotters. The spotters are trained by local National Weather Service Forecast Offices on how to spot severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail, and flooding. In this presentation, we will talk about how amateur radio operators can support the NWS during weather emergencies. |
Saturday January 8, 2022 12noon – 12:50pm EST 1700-1750 UTC |
Overview of Ham Radio Logging Programs |
MODERATOR: Tom Carrubba KA2D |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: This forum provides an overview of the various ham radio logging programs. Tom will review logging method history and demonstrate the advantages of computer logging. The presentation will cover the many logging program features such as award and QSL tracking at your fingertips. |
Morse Code Key Show and Tell |
MODERATOR: Howard Bernstein WB2UZE |
PANELISTS: Kim Williams N8FNC, Michael Sansom G0POT, Bob Schwer K3ZGA, Flip Svare KT9X, Bob Leichner WO6W, Jim W6JIM |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Come see the favorite CW keys of Long Island CW Club members and how and why they enjoy using them. |
Cables and Connectors |
MODERATOR: Richie Cetron K2KNB |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Cable Theory and RF Connectors |
Saturday January 8, 2022 1:00pm – 1:50pm EST 1800-1850 UTC |
Introduction to DXing |
MODERATOR: Tom Carrubba KA2D |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: Learn how to work DX (distant) stations, earn awards, QSL and learn about propagation to do so. |
HF Digital Modes including FT8 |
MODERATOR: Neil Goldstein W2NDG |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: HF Digital Modes including FT8. What’s new in digital modes? FT4, JS8-Call, and we are going to look at a few standalone kits for digital modes that you can build yourself, as well as an overview of FT8 and associated software. |
Parks on the Air |
MODERATOR: Peter Deluca AA2VG |
PANELISTS: Louis Maggio NO2C |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: We will explore the Parks on the Air (POTA) program. Learn how to hunt and log parks from the comfort of your shack. Tips and tricks about award collecting will be discussed. Become an activator! Work stations from around the country and the world surrounded by the beauty of our parks. |
Saturday January 8, 2022 2:00pm – 2:50pm EST 1900-1950 UTC |
Software Defined Radios |
MODERATOR: Ria Jairam N2RJ |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: This forum describes Software Defined Radios for HF |
Raspberry Pi applications for Ham Radio |
MODERATOR: Neil Goldstein W2NDG |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: This year, we are going to take a look at the new Pi model 4, and will demonstrate using it for SDR and Digital modes, as well as other Pi applications for Ham Radio. |
Club Forum |
MODERATOR: Diane Ortiz K2DO |
FORUM DESCRIPTION: This forum provides an opportunity for NYC/LI amateur radio clubs to highlight their activities, accomplishments and plans. |