HRU 2011 Committee Meeting
Tuesday, January 26
Tuesday, August 24
Tuesday, September 28
Tuesday, October 26
Tuesday, November 23
Tuesday, December 21
(only if necessary)
All meetings start at 7PM at South Bay Diner, Sunrise Highway, North Lindenhurst
HRU 2011 Chairman Tom Carrubba KA2D
Past Chairmen
Neil Heft KC2KY 2007-2010
George Tranos N2GA
2003-2006 Phil Lewis N2MUN
HRU 2011 Committee
Tom Carrubba KA2D
Diane Ortiz K2DO
Lance Aue KA2EJD
George Tranos N2GA
John Melfi W2HCB
Neil Heft KC2KY
Phil Lewis N2MUN
VE Session Info Sunday at 1:30 pm – Note: time change No preregistration necessary
W2V Special Event Station Planned Operating Frequencies: 7.273, 14.273, 21.273 +/- QRM QSL via: Phil Lewis N2MUN Special Thanks to: Lance KA2EJD for his work setting up the special event station
Sponsoring Club
Kings County Repeater Association
Participating Organizations
American Red Cross ECS
Central Jersey D-Star Group
Civil Air Patrol
Friends of L.I. Wireless
Grumman Amateur Radio Club
Great South Bay ARC
Hall of Science ARC
Kings County Radio Club
Kings County Repeater Association
Larkfield ARC
Long Island DX Assoc.
Long Island QRP Club
Long Island Mobile ARC
MetroCor Repeater Coord.
Nassau County ARES
Nassau County CERT
Nassau Amateur Radio Club
Nassau County Police ARC
National Weather Service
New York City ARES
Peconic Amateur Radio Club
Radio Central ARC
Staten Island Digital Group
Suffolk County Radio Club
Tri-State SKYWARN Group
Wantagh Amateur Radio Club
US Coast Guard Auxiliary
CQ Communications
Briarcliffe College ARC
Day of Event Info
Entrance is in back of building!
Doors open at 7:30 am
First forum at 9:00 am
Suggested Donation $3
Cafeteria open for breakfast and lunch
Talk-in 146.85 Mhz, -600, 136.5PL Event will go on regardless of the weather!
Map of and directions to Briarcliffe College, 1055 Stewart Ave, Bethpage, NY 11714
Public Transportation
Take the LIRR to BETHPAGE. HRU is one mile NORTH on Stewart Ave. Walk to the front of the train. The main street that crosses the tracks is Stewart Avenue. North would be to your left as you walk forward to Stewart Avenue from the train.
Timetable for Nearest Long Island Railroad train station in Bethpage
From Bethpage, take either a taxi or the N81 Bus (We have been told the N81 bus may not run on Sundays) north on Stewart Avenue to Briarcliffe College
Door Prize Donors
CQ Communications
DX Engineering
ELK Antennas
GRE America Inc.
MFJ Enterprises
Radio Oasis
Literature Providers
Amateur Electronics Supply
Ham Radio Outlet
ICOM America
Kenwood USA Corporation
Texas Towers
Universal Radio
Ham Radio University 2011 Our 12th annual event!
Sunday, January 9, 2011 Briarcliffe College 1055 Stewart Ave Bethpage, NY 11714
Spreading Ham Radio Knowledge and Know How
“A day of education to share ideas, experiences, knowledge and fellowship among Amateur Radio operators”
Featuring Keynote Speaker ARRL President

Kay Craigie N3KN
Suggested donation $3 – no preregistration is required! Doors open at 7:30 AM with first forums at 9:00 AM
HRU 2010 on YouTube
Now is YOUR chance to help out at Ham Radio University! The HRU Committee needs P/C projectors for the event! Please contact us if you have one to loan us for the day. We are also seeking volunteers to help on the HRU committee. Please contact us at [email protected] to help out.
HRU2011 Information
What HRU is and how to get there
Reference for HRU information Note: We are in the process of completing the 2011 information!
HRU 2011 Day-of-Event Handout with forums and moderators
HRU 2011 Forum Schedule
HRU 2011 Forum Moderator Biographies
NEW for 2011 NEW forums on Software Defined Radios, Emergency Power for your Home, Remote Station Operation, World Radiosport Team Championship, Ham Radio Deluxe, HF Digital Modes and more! Please check back here for more information
A Message from the Chair – Ham Radio University 2011
This year we will be holding our twelfth Ham Radio University and New York City / Long Island Section Convention on Sunday, January 9, 2011. Ham Radio University will take place at Briarcliffe College on 1055 Stewart Avenue in Bethpage, NY. Our sponsoring club in 2011 is the Kings County Repeater Association. HRU is made possible the collective efforts of more than twenty local Amateur Radio organizations as well as the American Radio Relay League.
What is HRU? Many of you have already heard of Ham Radio University but the idea may be new to some of you. HRU was created by Phil Lewis, N2MUN. Phil was searching for ways to get inactive hams back into the swing of Amateur Radio. In addition, Phil wanted to help newly licenced hams who ask “What Now?”. Since 1999, HRU has been bringing the local ham community together for a special day of learning and fellowship.
This year’s keynote speaker will be ARRL President Kay Craigie N3KN.
In 2009, Kay gave us all a “homework assignment” to explore some new aspect of Amateur Radio. Our HRU 2011 lineup of forums provides the perfect opportinuty to continue pursuing new avenues of fun and excitement.
We will have a special event station, W2V, on the air with tradional modes as well as PSK-31. You’re encouraged to check out the special event station and operate.
Refreshments aill be available in the college cafeteria, which will be transformed into an Eyeball QSO room with club tables from the various local and national organizations that support Ham Radio University.
In short, there is something for everybody at Ham Radio University. If you have not been to an HRU, I encourage you to attend this year.
– Tom KA2D