HRU 2016

 ARRL New York City-Long Island
Section Convention

Important Links

2016 Forum-Schedule
Frequently Asked Questions
Day of Event Info
Public Transportation
Door Prize Donors
HRU 2010 Historical Information

HRU 2016 is over! – Thanks to all who helped make this event a success!

HRU 2017 is NEXT – Sunday, January 8, 2017 at Briarcliffe College

HRU 2016 Highlights – Sunday, January 3, 2016 at Briarcliffe College

Keynote Speaker – Dave Sumner K1ZZ, ARRL Chief Executive Officer

NEW this year
Sunday, January 3, 2016 at Briarcliffe College

30 Forums with new forums including DMR, Software Defined Radios, Contesting for newcomers and non-contesters, Ham Radio Resources, Basics of HF operating, An introductory guide to VHF/UHF operating and more!
Hands-on Workshops:
1. Cable Theory / RF Connectors,
2. Ethernet Connectors,
3. Understanding and Using Test Equipment
Preregistration required on day of event

Day-of-Event Handout
Special Event Station W2V and demos
Amateur Radio License Exam Session
Amateur Radio Club tables
Door Prizes including a handheld tranceiver giveaway! Anyone who makes a donation will be entered in our main door prize raffle that includes all major prizes. All major door prizes will be drawn after the Keynote Speaker in Room E at approximately 12:30 PM. There will be a special raffle for another handheld transceiver just for HRU volunteers.
Food and Refreshments available

Briarcliffe College Room Layout

Gift bags sponsored by the Kings County Repeater Association will be given away to the first 250 people who deposit their raffle ticket in the club room. This high quality reusable eco bag will contain:
Pen, Pencil, Big Apple Traffic Net dry erase, NTS traffic form with marker, Stress reliever squishy, Note paper, Post It Booklet, 2015 Pocket Calendar, FISTS stickers (The CW club), and more!

HRU 2016 Chairman
Tom Carrubba KA2D

Past Chairmen
Tom Carrubba KA2D 2011-present
Neil Heft KC2KY 2007-2010
George Tranos N2GA 2003-2006
Phil Lewis N2MUN 2000-2002

HRU 2016 Committee
Tom Carrubba KA2D
Gary Lindtner KB2BSL
Diane Ortiz K2DO
Lance Aue KA2EJD
Mel Granick KS2G
George Tranos N2GA
John Melfi W2HCB
Richie Cetron K2KNB
Art Altarac WA2KXE
Neil Heft KC2KY
Phil Lewis N2MUN
Rich Rosner N2STU
Nancy Rosner N2TKA
Mike Lisenco N2YBB
Jerry Abrams WB2ZEX

ARRL New York City / Long Island
Section Convention

Jim Mezey W2KFV, Section Manager

Sponsoring Clubs
Ham Radio University ARC
Great South Bay ARC

Participating Clubs & Organizations
Participating Clubs & Organizations

Door Prize Donors
The HRU Committee thanks the following organizations for their generous donation
Amateur Electronic Supply (AES)
AMSAT – Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
CQ Magazine
DX Engineering
Elk Antennas
Ham Radio Outlet
Kings County Repeater Association
MFJ Enterprises
Quicksilver Radio Products
Radio Oasis
The RF Connection
Universal Radio Inc.
West Mountain Radio
Materials for the Connectors workshop donated from the Norm Wesler K2YEW Education fund administered by LIMARC

Our 17th annual event!

Sunday, January 10, 2016
Briarcliffe College
1055 Stewart Ave
Bethpage, NY 11714

Spreading Ham Radio Knowledge and Know How
“A day of education to share ideas, experiences, knowledge and fellowship among Amateur Radio operators”

Keynote Speaker

Dave Sumner K1ZZ
ARRL Chief Executive Officer

Suggested donation $3 – no preregistration is required!
Doors open at 7:30 AM with first forums at 9:00 AM
HRU 2010 on YouTube

Please contact us at for further info.

Directions to: Briarcliffe College

Thanks are extended to the following for their help in setup on Friday, January 8, 2016: KA2D, N2GA, K2DO, N2MUN, KC2KY, KS2G, N2OEP, KC2SYF and K2TV